STD Testing Facilities in Chicago IL

About STD Testing Facilities in Chicago IL

Maximum Convenience for STD Testing in Chicago

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)—or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)—are no joke. We want to make the process of finding a clinic that has the STD tests you need as convenient for you as possible. Information like phone numbers, business hours, and more is available for many of these facilities. The power to choose a clinic with the STD testing and treatment that's right for you has never been easier!

Order an STD Test

After you find a facility, you can buy an STD test here. Select the infections you wish to test for and follow the check-out instructions. Be sure to bring proof of your purchase (the Requisition Form or code) with you to your chosen clinic.

HIV Quick Facts About Chicago, Illinois

As of 2015, the CDC estimates that 1.1 million people have HIV in the United States.[1] The CDC also reports that 13% of new HIV diagnoses occurred in the Midwest in 2017.[2] In 2016, health officials estimated that 20,474 people were living with HIV in Chicago IL alone.[3]

STD Quick Facts About Illinois

Chlamydia and gonorrhea were two of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the United States of America in 2017. Did you know that the CDC reported 75,518 cases of chlamydia and 23,859 cases of gonorrhea in Illinois during that year? This means that Illinois ranked #10 for chlamydia and #17 for gonorrhea out of all 50 states based on the 2017 STD Surveillance Report's ranking methodology.[4]

Unfortunately, many people don't notice symptoms of these two incredibly common infections. An STD test is the only way to know for sure know the true state of your sexual health. If you receive positive test results for any infection, don't worry about being left in the dark. You should receive information about what to do next when you receive your diagnosis. This process should involve you talking to a licensed professional about treatment and getting into contact with previous sexual partners to let them know that they also need to get tested.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)



You Really Need to Know

STD testing is one of those important life responsibilities, like taxes or car insurance. We are glad you are here, taking a responsible step toward helping yourself and potentially protecting other people. Getting tested for an STD doesn't have to be difficult. There are plenty of local STD testing centers standing by to help you take control of your health and empower you to live your life to the fullest.

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Choose What Tests You Want to Run

You are in charge here. Choose what tests you want to run. Getting a full STD panel is the easiest and most comprehensive way to go.

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Find Local STD Testing Centers Near You

Go to a STD testing facility near you. There are thousands to go to—we can help you find your way.

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View Your Results Online

Get tested same day. View your results online when you are ready, wherever you want for your privacy.

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Talk to a Doctor

Speak to a health care professional if there are any issues.