Planned Parenthood – Glen Cove Center

Services: Abortion Services ; Birth Control ; HIV Testing ; Men’s Health Care ; Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception) ; Pregnancy Testing & Services ; STD Testing, Treatment & Vaccines ; Women’s Health CarenLanguages: English; Spanish; Interpretation by telephone available for other languages. Please let us know if you need an interpreter when scheduling your appointment.nWalk In Services: If you need emergency contraception (AKA the morning after pill), you can walk in anytime we’re open. Our Glen Cove site offers walk in services Tuesday and Friday mornings beginning at 9am.nAppointment Information: Call 516-750-2500to book your appointment. Health center staff can also answer any questions you may have.nHc Information: Our health center closes for lunch or dinner, so please call ahead if you are coming for a walk-in or supply.nHoliday Information: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas DaynPayment Information: Payment is expected at time of service. We accept: Cash Major Credit/Debit Cards Money Orders Ask about the Family Planning Benefit Program for free birth control. If you plan to pay for your visit with a credit card that’s not your own, you must bring a letter from the cardholder with you. If you are uninsured, you may qualify for a state-funded program or a lower fee scale. If you do not have health insurance, read about health insurance optionsto find out how to get more affordable coverage and what to consider when choosing a plan.nInsurance Information: 1199 ; Aetna ; Affinity ; Amerigroup ; Anthem ; Cigna ; Emblem ; Empire BlueCross BlueShield ; GHI ; Health Net ; HEALTHCARE PARTNERS ; Healthfirst ; HIP ; LOCALS/UNIONS – CHECK CARD ; Magnacare ; Medicaid ; Medicare ; Multiplan ; Oxford ; United Community Plan ; United Healthcaren