You Really Need to Know

STD testing is one of those important life responsibilities, like taxes or car insurance. We are glad you are here, taking a responsible step toward helping yourself and potentially protecting other people. Getting tested for an STD doesn't have to be difficult. There are plenty of local STD testing centers standing by to help you take control of your health and empower you to live your life to the fullest.

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STD Symptom Checker – Am I at Risk for Catching an STD?

Interactive STD/STI Symptom Checker

Using our completely anonymous STD/STI symptom checker and STD test recommender is as easy as answering a few questions. This is a dynamic tool that generates the next question based on your previous answers. Answer these questions about your sexual behavior as best as you can. Always keep in mind that an online quiz is not a substitute for in-person medical advice. This STD quiz is meant to empower you with knowledge about your STD risk and which STIs you should consider being tested for.***

[[[["field9","less_than","18"]],[["show_fields","field7"]],"and"],[[["field9","greater_than","17"]],[["show_fields","field13,field15"]],"and"],[[["field13","contains","Male"],["field13","contains","Female"]],[["show_fields","field12"]],"and"],[[["field14","equal_to","Yes"]],[["show_fields","field16"]],"and"],[[["field14","contains","No"]],[["show_fields","field17"]],"and"],[[["field16","contains","HIV"],["field16","contains","Herpes"],["field16","contains","Chlamydia"],["field16","contains","Gonorrhea"],["field16","contains","Syphilis"],["field16","contains","Hepatitis"],["field16","contains","Trichomonas"]],[["show_fields","field17"]],"or"],[[["field18","contains","Yes"],["field18","contains","No"]],[["show_fields","field18"]],"or"],[[["field18","contains","Yes"],["field18","contains","No"],["field18","contains","Not"]],[["show_fields","field19"]],"or"],[[["field19","contains","Yes"],["field19","contains","No"],["field19","contains","Not"]],[["show_fields","field20"]],"or"],[[["field17","less_than","1"]],[["show_fields","field20"]],"and"],[[["field17","not_equal_to","0"]],[["show_fields","field18,field53"]],"and"],[[["field13","equal_to","Male"]],[["show_fields","field23"]],"and"],[[["field13","equal_to","Female"]],[["show_fields","field24"]],"and"],[[["field14","equal_to","No"],["field17","equal_to","0"],["field18","contains_not","Yes"],["field20","equal_to","No"],["field23","equal_to","No Symptoms"],["field13","equal_to","Male"]],[["show_fields","field30"]],"and"],[[["field13","equal_to","Female"],["field14","contains_not","Yes"],["field14","equal_to","No"],["field17","equal_to","0"],["field20","equal_to","No"],["field24","equal_to","No Symptoms"]],[["show_fields","field30"]],"and"],[[["field13","equal_to","Female"],["field24"]],[["redirect_to"]],"and"],[[["field13","equal_to","Male"]],[["show_fields","field34"]],"and"],[[["field13","equal_to","Female"],["field9","less_than","26"],["field17","greater_than","0"]],[["show_fields","field35"],["show_fields","field50,field51"]],"and"],[[["field34","equal_to","Yes"]],[["show_fields","field36,field50,field51,field52,field53,field54"]],"and"],[[["field18","equal_to","Yes"]],[["show_fields","field37,field50,field51,field52,field53,field54,field55"]],"and"],[[["field20","contains","Yes"],["field20","contains","Not sure"]],[["show_fields","field38,field54,field55"]],"or"],[[["field17","greater_than","1"]],[["show_fields","field39,field53"]],"and"],[[["field14","equal_to","Yes"]],[["show_fields","field41,field50,field51,field52,field53,field54"]],"and"],[[["field23","contains","burning"],["field23","contains","pain"],["field23","contains","itching"]],[["show_fields","field45,field50,field51"]],"or"],[[["field23","contains","sores"],["field23","contains","bumps"]],[["show_fields","field46,field52,field53"]],"or"],[[["field23","contains","Fever"],["field23","contains","Fatigue"],["field23","contains","Body"]],[["show_fields","field47"]],"or"],[[["field23","equal_to","No Symptoms"],["field24","equal_to","No Symptoms"]],[["show_fields","field48"]],"or"],[[["field24","contains","discharge"],["field24","contains","Lower"],["field24","contains","Itching"],["field24","contains","burning"]],[["show_fields","field45,field50,field51"]],"or"],[[["field24","contains","sores"],["field24","contains","bumps"]],[["show_fields","field46,field53,field52"]],"or"],[[["field24","contains","Fever"],["field24","contains","Fatigue"],["field24",null,"body"]],[["show_fields","field47"]],"or"]]
1 Basic Info
2 Risk assessment
3 Symptoms
4 Suggestions
STD Symptom Checker Quiz

This quiz is designed to give you a "best guess" to what STDs you should consider being tested for.

*This is not meant to substitute professional medical advice.

Sorry, anyone under the age of 18 should consult a physician with any concerns of this matter.

Have You Had Sex With Other Men?pick one!
Have You Been Notified of Potential STD Exposure?
Which STDs Have Your Been Exposed to?Choose all that apply
When Was Your Last STD Test?
Have you had unprotected sex in the last 12 months?Consider vaginal, oral, and anal sex partners
Could any of your sexual partners have been sexually active outside of your relationship?
Have you or any of your partners used IV drugs?
Male STD SymptomsChoose all that apply
Female STD SymptomsChoose all that apply


It doesn't appear that you are at risk for having contracted an STD. However, if you truly want to know with 100% certainty whether you have an STD, a test can provide peace of mind.

Your STD Testing Recommendations

Based on your answers, you should consider getting tested for:

Lifestyle Risks

Co-incidence of STDs is incredibly high. Because of this, if you have been notified that you have been exposed to an STD, it is strongly recommended that you get tested for: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and HIV.

The CDC recommends all sexually active females under the age of 25 be screened for chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Men who have sex with men have a much higher incidence and co-incidence of chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV. The CDC recommends that this population get screened annually for these STIs and every 6 months for those with risky sexual behaviors.

Engaging in unprotected sex is the biggest risk for transmitting STDs. The CDC recommends getting an STD Panel screen that includes HIV for people that have had unprotected sex and have not been screened in the last 12 months.

Intravenous drug use puts you at an increased risk of HIV and Hepatitis B & C.

Even if practicing safe sex, it is still possible to contract STDs like herpes. This is because sometimes the infection can be outside the protective barrier of a condom.

Your risk of having contracted an STD is really low.

Symptom Indications

Symptoms of many STDs overlap with each other. Based on your symptoms, the most likely causes are:

Symptoms of many STDs overlap with each other. Based on your symptoms, the most likely causes are:

Fever, body achiness, and fatigue are signs of your body fighting a new or progressing infection. However, it is not indicative of what STD you may have contracted.

Almost all STIs can be asymptomatic. Even though you do not have any symptoms, it is important to consider your lifestyle risks when choosing which STD test to order.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A woman in blue places her hand on a man's shoulder after he uses the STD symptom checker

What Is an STD or STI?


A sexually transmitted disease (STD) and a sexually transmitted infection (STI) both refer to infections predominately spread through sexual contact with an infected person. However, other means of transmission exist, such as intravenous drug use or an infected mother passing something on to her child through pregnancy and childbirth.


What Are Some Common STDs?




One of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, gonorrhea is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, spread though various forms of sexual contact. People with this STD may show little to no signs or symptoms, which is why an STD test is absolutely necessary to know for sure the state of your sexual health. When symptoms are present, they can occur as itching or a burning sensation while urinating, among others. Specific symptoms for men include penile discharge while symptoms for women include abnormal vaginal discharge. Untreated gonorrhea can lead to infertility and/or developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Fortunately, gonorrhea is usually fairly easy to treat.




Another common STD, chlamydia is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. Like gonorrhea, chlamydia can also be asymptomatic (symptomless). When signs do appear, they can include painful urination as well as unusual discharge. If left untreated, women can experience severe complications, such as infertility. Although rare, men can also become infertile if left with an untreated infection long enough. Chlamydia is easily treated.




Syphilis is a disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. It is often spread through sexual contact, but other means of transmission also exist. A mother can pass the infection to her child during pregnancy and childbirth, for example; this transmission is known as congenital syphilis. Syphilis occurs in stages, and it is curable if caught early enough. Symptoms of syphilis often mimic those of other diseases, so getting tested is the only way to know with complete confidence if emerging symptoms like sores and rashes are syphilis or something else.


Human Papillomavirus (HPV)


HPV refers to a group of viruses that can either remain asymptomatic for years and clear up on their own or develop into serious health problems. Noticeable symptoms include genital warts. HPV can also cause several types of cancer in both men and women. Fortunately, vaccination is available to protect against some prominent strains of HPV.


Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)


BV is a bacterial infection of the vagina. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), BV is the single most common vaginal infection for women between 15 and 44 years old. Symptoms of BV are similar to symptoms of other STDs and include foul smells from the vaginal area, discharge, itching, and painful urination. However, many people experience no symptoms.


Trichomoniasis (Trich)


Trich (pronounced “trick”) is an extremely common STD, with the CDC reporting 3.7 million confirmed cases in the United States alone. Symptoms of this STD are similar to other STDs, with itching or pain coming from the genital area, pain occurring during urination, and unusual discharge produced by the penis or vagina. This STD can also be asymptomatic. Trich is fortunately easily treated.


Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)


HIV is the virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). After initial infection, flu-like symptoms can occur for a brief period of time. HIV symptoms are often minimal or absent after this early stage. If HIV progresses to AIDS, the immune system becomes severely compromised. Infections that healthy people can normally fight off can be fatal for those who have AIDS.


No cure for HIV/AIDS currently exists. However, with proper antiretroviral treatment, it is possible to significantly reduce not only the chances of HIV progressing to AIDS, but also the chances of passing HIV on to someone else. That is why it is so important to get tested if infection is suspected.




Hepatitis refers to liver inflammation and can be caused by viral infections. In the United States, the most common forms of hepatitis are hepatitis A, B, and C. Symptoms of hepatitis include abdominal pain, off-color urine and stool, changes in appetite, and fever. While many common STDs like gonorrhea or chlamydia can be screened using a urine sample, a blood test is needed to screen for this infection. There are vaccines available for hepatitis A and B but not for C.




There are actually two strands of the herpes simplex virus, type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2). HSV-1 refers to what is commonly known as oral herpes. Genital herpes is commonly caused by HSV-2. Herpes is a common STD around the world.


What Are Risk Factors for Contracting an STD?


Anyone can contract an STD, even from just a single sexual encounter. Some risk factors increase the likelihood of catching an STD, including:


  • Not using a condom correctly
  • Not using a condom at all
  • Abusing drugs and/or alcohol
  • Having multiple sexual partners


Some people make the mistake of thinking that condoms are only necessary for penile-vaginal sex. That isn’t the case! Condoms should be used for protection with any and all types of sexual intercourse, not just vaginal. Anal and oral sex can also transmit infections, for example. A new condom should be used for each new sexual act. Birth control should also not act as a form of STD protection.


What Are Some Ways to Prevent Catching an STD?

A line of clear-wrapped pink condoms can reduce the risk of STDs; you can check your risk with the STD symptom checker


There are some lifestyle factors that lower the chances of catching something, including:


  • Receiving an HPV vaccine
  • Receiving Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B vaccines
  • Properly using condoms
  • Being in a monogamous relationship with a healthy partner
  • Abstaining from sexual contact


I Feel Fine. Why Should I Get STD Testing?


The truth is that there is no sure-fire way to know if you have an STD without getting tested. Looking for signs and symptoms alone is no way to know your sexual health, as many infections can lie dormant for a long time or simply show little to no symptoms at all. Not knowing your sexual-health status not only puts you at risk for long-term health complications, but it also means you risk unknowingly passing something on to someone else.


Don’t let the fear of getting bad news stop you from getting tested. You owe it to yourself and your partner(s) to know the truth.


STD Symptom Checker Disclaimer
***Disclaimers: This article and STD Symptom Checker are not meant to substitute medical advice from a trained and licensed medical professional. Their intended purpose is to give you an idea of your risk factors for contracting an STD.



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from


———National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention. Retrieved from


Cook RL, St George K, Lassak M, et al. Screening for Chlamydia trachomatis infection in college women with a polymerase chain reaction assay. Clin Infect Dis 1999; 28:1002. Retrieved from


Gaydos CA, Howell MR, Pare B, et al. Chlamydia trachomatis infections in female military recruits. N Engl J Med 1998; 339:739. Retrieved from Preventing Sexual Transmission of HIV. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from